Friday, September 28, 2012

Tale of a Sugarcane Vendor - Ram Narayana


Sugarcane juice is a popular drink here in India. This is available primarily in tropical countries where sugarcane is a primary source for producing sugar. Sugarcane juice is not available in countries like United States except for the state of Hawaii which is tropical.

Some benefits of drinking sugarcane juice are :

  • healing source for sore throat, cold and flu
  • low glycemic index which keeps body healthy
  • diabetics can drink this without any fear as it has no simple sugars
  • due to its alkaline nature, it helps fight cancer.
  • hydrates the body quickly when exposed to prolonged head and physical activity
  • strengthens the stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, brain and sex organs
  • it keeps urinary flow clear and helps the kidneys to perform efficiently

RAM NARAYANA - The Sugarcane Vendor

Ram Narayana leaves home each day morning at 7 AM with his cart loaded with sugarcane sticks. His cart is a simple contraption that has four bicycle wheels with a wooden platform. He travels 4 kilometers each way. It takes him one hour to reach his destination. He leaves home at the end of the day pushing his cart 4 kilometers. 

I enjoy a good glass of sugarcane juice and Ram Narayana is the only vendor that is within walking distance where I work. He is a street vendor, unlike other establishment that sell with various flavors. Such establishments can be found all around the city. 

The machine operates on fuel perhaps diesel or petroleum. In order to get the machine going, Ram Narayana   cranks the wheel clockwise and the machine swings into life. Use of lemon and ginger is common in adding flavor and spices to the juice. Some prefer the juice cold and ice is utilized. 

Ram Narayana leads a simple life. He works hard and enjoys crushing sugarcane and quenching the thirst of weary travelers and thirsty clients for a reasonable price of Rs.10 per glass. He radiates positive energies full of love and compassion. I go to him for that very reason and feel energized and invigorated. 

Some would question the surroundings and flies that sit on the sugarcane and wonder about their well being. As long as we are thankful for what we drink or eat, we shall be healthy.
When the mind is NOT at EASE, then DIS-EASE happens. 


One of my friend living in Los Angeles visited Northern India for the 1st time to continue her Kundalini Yoga studies. The place was near Dharmasala home of Dalai Lama. She is accompanied by her daughter. 

She had some doubts regarding the hygiene and safety of the food being served. She made up her mind firmly to be Thankful and eat anywhere she felt like. She had a strong belief one's health is in one's own mind and happily ate at any street vendor and restaurant she could possibly find. 

On other hand, her daughter was doubtful and she kept thinking that she might fall sick or ill if she ate the food at the restaurant or vendor. Bear in mind, it is exactly the same street vendor and restaurant she and her mother visited. 

The daughter fell ill violently and had to be hospitalized for a week, whereas her mother was in perfect health. As I said, one's health is all in the mind. That what I said is my personal belief. Those who read what I said may agree or disagree with me. It is the reader's prerogative. 


At the end of each day, we can draw inspiration from simple lives of people like Ram Narayana. We have all the luxuries we can afford and yet we want more and more. Ram Narayana may not have or cannot afford any such luxuries most have, nor does he exhibit cravings for material wealth. He seems content with his life coming every day to his spot. Crushing and serving Sugarcane juice with Love and Happiness.